
Brilliant performer, remarkable pedagogue and charismatic conductor, Habib Kayaleh is considered to be one of the most eminent pedagogues of his time. His conception of the violin technique and of its application, and his views on artistic interpretation are highly considered and adopted by important violin schools.
His abilities have gained him international recognition and acclaim from various artistic and political figures, to include Lord Yehudi Menuhin, concert violinists Nathan Milstein, Viktor Pikaisen, Alberto Lysy and Igor Oistrakh, Conductor and Honorary President of the World Federation of International Competitions Pierre Colombo, eminent pedagogues Shizuko Ischii, Irina Bochkova, Misako Ito, Khalida Akhtiamova, Julliard’s Dorothy Delay, Director General of the United Nations Geneva Office Sergei Ordzhonikidze and Pierre Aubert, ex-President of the Swiss Confederation, to name but a few.
彼の能力は、ユーディ・メニューヒン、ナタン・ミルスタイン、ビクトール・ピカイゼン、アルベルト・リシ、イゴール・オイストラフ等のコンサートヴァイオリニスト、指揮者であり世界国際音楽コンクール連盟の名誉会長でもあるピエール・コロンボ、また石井志都子、イリーナ・バチコヴァ、伊藤美佐子、Khalida Akhtiamova、ジュリアードのドロシー・ディレイ等の著名な教育者等の芸術家のみならず、国際連合ジュネーブ事務局事務局長Sergei Ordzhonikidzや、スイス連邦の元大統領ピエール・オベール等の政界人から、国際的な認識と高い評価を獲得しています。
Professor Kayaleh’s fame has also brought invitations to direct masterclasses in the performance classes of well known world violin institutes, and the acceptance of assignments to shape and mold the musical talents of young virtuosi. Accordingly, he has been the honoured guest of Moscow’s Tchaikovsky State Conservatory and Academy, Hungary’s Franz Liszt Academy, Georgia’s Conservatory and Music School, Nagoya’s College of Music and Venezuela’s Latino-American Violin Academy, and his teaching in North America was highly ovationed.
Habib Kayaleh is the founder of the Kayaleh Violin Academy, an international violin center which offers stage performance courses for existing and aspiring concert violonists.
Ranking amongst the few leading violin schools in the world, the Academy accepts the potential of approximately 16 to 20 students per year. Located in Crans, near Geneva, Switzerland, it recruits its students from all corners of the world.
Established in 1989, the Academy produces a number of musicians who later dedicate their life to a concert career, namely as soloists.
The Academy also shapes young artists for chamber music, and orientates some of its students towards the orchestral career.
ハビブ・カヤレイはカヤレイ・ヴァイオリン・アカデミー(Kayaleh Violin Academy)―才能あるコンサートヴァイオリニストにステージ・パフォーマンス・コースを提供する国際的なバイオリンセンター―の創設者です。 世界のでも数少ない主要なバイオリン教育学校のひとつとして、アカデミーは年間16~20人の学生を世界中から受け入れています。
Aknowledged by the Swiss Ministry of Education as an Official Institution of Public Utility, the Academy acts as home to the Kayaleh Chamber Orchestra, a multinational ensemble constituted by the virtuoso musicians enrolled in the Academy’s Stage Performance Classes.
公共機関としてスイスの文部省によって認可され、アカデミーは、そのステージ・パフォーマンス・コースに所属する音楽家によって構成される多国籍アンサンブルであるKayaleh Chamber Orchestraのホームとなっています。
Professor Kayaleh has utilized his determination to build other facilities for the advancement of young musicians. The most prestigious, ≪The Kayaleh Fondation≫, is a nonprofit organization that targets the promotion of gifted young artists, and supports the Academy in its functioning and evolution. The other, the Ecole Suprerieure de Musique, is an additional music school created in 1973 which accepts up to 200 students per year, and offers training in major instrumental fields.
カヤレイ教授は若い音楽家の育成のために新たな機関の創設を画策し、“カヤレイ財団(Kayaleh Foudation)”は才能ある若い芸術家の養成、およびアカデミーの運営と発展のサポートを目的とする非営利団体として設立されました。 また、Ecole Suprerieure de Musique、は1973年に追加的に創設された音楽学校で、年間最大200人の学生を受け入れ、主要な楽器の教育を提供しています。
Habib Kayaleh was awarded the Paul Harris Fellowship by the International Rotary Foundation for his artistic and human actions, and was selected as an honoured member of the Who’s Who historical Society, thus testifying to his professional, academic and civic achievements.
彼の音楽専門性(学問的業績)を証明づけるものとして、ハビブカヤレイは彼の芸術的人道的活動について、国際ロータリー財団(International Rotary Foundation(http://www.rotary.org/))によりポールハリス奨学生として選ばれました。また、Who’s Who Historical Societyの名誉会員として選ばれました。
I am happy to learn of the existence of the Foundation Habib Kayaleh, a musician for whom I have the greatest admiration and whom I have known over a long period of years. I trust that this will be of value in the understanding and the enjoyment of both violinists and those whom they enchant with their music.